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Why IAQ Ventilation for the home?
Now more than ever, Australians are aware of the importance of indoor air quality. Good quality healthy indoor air brings wellbeing and peace of mind for you and your family.
IAQ Ventilation provides world class technology for clean and healthy indoor air. With more than 20 years of expertise, we can recommend researched and tested, innovative solutions that prevent pathogens, viruses, bacteria, mould, particles, dust and odours in your home. From portable units for your home to retrofitted ventilation systems for your building.
IAQ Ventilation provides world class technology that monitors and improves indoor air quality in your home – manage pollutants, temperature and humidity within your home environment.
Condensation and moisture
Our homes have many forgotten voids and cavities; attics, roof space, subfloor, and cavities within a wall space (i.e. return vents). Modern homes are often built “too tight”, that is in building science terms, there is not enough ventilation in the building envelope. Each adult can produce 5.2 litres of water that expels into the air of a building in an hour – along with kettles, showers, cooking – condensation and moisture can build very quickly!
Subfloor and basement can have moisture issues – rising damp, inadequate drainage or ventilation can also affect moisture levels, particularly when there are temperature differentials in the indoor space. Difference in temperature, i.e. warm on cold, causes condensation on surfaces of materials within building structures.
With condensation and moisture comes mould – and mould can cause many health problems. Ventilation and humidity management is critical. Our portable air purifiers, air cleaners, ventilation systems, wall cavity systems and dehumidifiers are powerful, energy efficient and whisper quiet to manage moisture and condensation issues in the home.
Asthma and allergies
Passive house science recommends adequate air circulation and ventilation within the home (i.e. building envelope). Windows and doors should be opened everyday for ventilation, however, in our modern lives and building construction, this is not easy. Airborne particles and pollutants build up with inadequate air exchange. This can cause problems for asthmatics and those with allergies.
IAQ has a range of portable air purifiers, air cleaners, ventilation systems and wall cavity systems that are powerful, energy efficient and whisper quite to remove airborne particles, pathogens and pollutants. We have a range of heat and energy recovery ventilation systems (HRV, ERV). Our GPS Bipolar Needle Point technology can be retrofitted into your current system, to clean and purify air, and save on energy costs.
Air pollutants and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
Our homes can have a range of air pollutants and VOCs (off gas of materials). For example, nitrogen dioxide is associated with traffic pollution, formaldehyde is a common indoor pollutant emitted from furnishings and carpet (for up to two years!), toluene is emitted from vehicle exhausts, paints, nail polish.
IAQ Ventilation has many solutions for your home. Our portable air purifiers and air cleaners, HEPA filters and NATA certified (nata.com.au), our air purifier systems and GPS Plasma has proven technology to retard indoor air pollutants and VOCs.
Our portable and retrofitted systems are sleek, non-intrusive, effective, powerful and whisper quiet.
Breathe Cleaner Air
Air cleaning, purification, and ventilation is critical in the home. Pathogen control is important not just on surfaces, but also for aerosolized pathogens, particles and pollutants. We provide patented, lab tested and researched, innovative technology and equipment to clean and maintain indoor air quality.
Reduce airborne pathogens and indoor air pollution (bacteria, virus, particulates, volatile organic compounds, and odours). Promote health and wellbeing for you and your family.
Energy Savings
Our solutions improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling systems, lowering energy costs (proven up to 30%) and improving your carbon footprint.
Start breathing healthy air now!
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